NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

Reminder NET price increase 30th June 2013

Verisign GRS  are increasing the pricing of the .NET tld on 1st July 2013, we will be changing the pricing on the platform to note this increase at 12:00 UTC 30th June 2013.

The pricing will increase by the exact amount that Verisign GRS are putting it up by across all tiers, namely 51 cents ( $0.51 ).

The above pricing increase is for Trasnfer / Renew or Registration and for restore $1 will be added, taking it to $56.00 to restore a .net domain.

NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

.ORG price increase 1st July 2013

PIR are increasing the pricing of the .ORG tld on 1st July 2013, we will be changing the pricing on the platform to note this increase at 12:00 UTC 30th June 2013.

The pricing will increase by the exact amount that PIR are putting it up by across all tiers, namely 55 cents ( $0.55 ).

NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

.BIZ price increase 1st September 2013

Neustar are increasing the pricing of the .BIZ tld on 1st September 2013, we will be changing the pricing on the platform to note this increase at 12:00 UTC 31st August 2013.

The pricing will increase by the exact amount that Neustar are putting it up by across all tiers, namely 78 cents ( $0.78 ).

NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

.INFO price increase 1st September 2013

Afilias are increasing the pricing of the .INFO tld on 1st September 2013, we will be changing the pricing on the platform to note this increase at 12:00 UTC 31st August 2013.

The pricing will increase by the exact amount that Afilias are putting it up by across all tiers, namely 74 cents ( $0.74 )

We will notify you closer to the time as well.

NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

.WS Price increase

The .WS Domain Registry recently announced that it will be increasing its prices for .WS Domain Registrations, Renewals and Transfer-Ins. To accomodate this change, we will be increasing our prices as follows at 09:30 AM UTC on 4th January, 2013.

Tier 1 – $ 17.53

Tier 2 – $ 17.39

Tier 3 – $ 17.25

Tier 4 – $ 17.11

Tier 5 – $ 16.99


NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

NetEarth – ORG Price increase

As you may be aware, a few months ago PIR (the registry that handles .ORG) increased its pricing to the registrars as allowed by its contract with ICANN.

We did not increase our pricing straight away as we wanted to see if we could fully absorb the increase, now a couple of months have passed and weighing up the figures we will need to increase the pricing by 15 cents ($0.15) for a renewal, transfer or registration. This increase is still less that the registry increase to us of 40+cents so we are absorbing some of the increase ourselves.

As we have previously stated to our reseller base over the years, we will not inflate our pricing without good reason (greediness for instance or to simply increase profits) or registry increases, we stand by this statement.

This increase will take effect on Saturday 1st September 2012 at 00:01 BST (UTC/GMT +1).

NetEarth One Registry Price Increase Uncategorized

Verisign price increase – specifics :-

Further to our various notifications by blog and control panel, we are specifying below the procedure we will take for the increase in pricing this coming Saturday 14th at 1400 UTC.


As advised by email and by control panel today:

Further to our announcement on November 2nd that the registry is increasing its pricing, this announcement is to remind you that effective 14th January 2012, the new pricing for .COM and .NET domains will be made applicable.


If you have yet to make the necessary changes to your website and/or Control Panel, we ask that you get them updated as quickly as possible.


If you use the API, and complete all your billing through a third party application, please update those prices too if you need too.


We shall be increasing the Registration, Renewal and Transfer-In pricing for .COM and .NET domain names on January 14th, 2012 at 14:00 UTC, our prior announcement stated it would be 23:55 UTC which has now changed to 14:00 UTC, however the platform provider has stated a cross platform update will also happen at this time which is necessary to protect against any loss to you through pending orders (please see bullet points below)

Important Note:

  • If you have specific pricing assigned on the .COM and .NET tlds, we will be increasing it by $0.51 and $0.46 respecitvly.
  • All pending .COM and.NET Registration and Renewal orders that have not been paid for or executed will be deleted on the 14th. This is to ensure that you don’t incur any losses through pending orders.
  • Pending orders on Transfer-Ins will not be affected. However, if you need to delete these orders yourself, you can find it here:Control Panel > Customers > Billing > Pending Invoices and Debit Notes


Registry Price Increase

VeriSign registry price increase com / net

Following notification from VeriSign, on January 15th 2012 the price for COM and NET is again increasing.

VeriSign is increasing its pricing to ALL registrars as per their notice to us and ICANN.

.COM will increase by 51 cents USD

.NET will increase by 46 cents USD

This will be across all tiers and is the EXACT amount that VeriSign are increasing by.

We will update the pricing on the platform as of January 14th 23:55 GMT/UTC

NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

.INFO registry price increase

The .INFO Registry (Afilias) will be increasing the price of .INFO domains by the end of this month, therefore on Thursday 30th at 12:59 UTC, the pricing will be updated to be in line with the .COM pricing.


Tier 1 – $ 8.93

Tier 2 – $ 8.37

Tier 3 – $ 8.27

Tier 4 – $ 8.17

Tier 5 – $ 7.97


NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

New .BIZ and .ORG pricing from 30th March 2011

Dear Reseller,

We’d like to draw your attention to the upcoming pricing changes for .BIZ and .ORG domain names. Please note that this pricing only applies to resellers reselling .BIZ and .ORG through NetEarth One:

New .BIZ Prices

To accommodate the Registry Price Hike announced by the .BIZ Registry, we will be increasing the Prices for .BIZ Domains from the 30st of March, 2011 at 12:30 UTC.

Following the hike, the Prices for .BIZ will be as follows:

Tier 1 : $9.90

Tier 2 : $9.40

Tier 3 : $9.10

Tier 4 : $8.99

Tier 5 : $8.79

NEW .ORG Prices

To accommodate the Registry Price Hike announced by the .ORG Registry, we will be increasing the Prices for .ORG Domains from the 30st of March, 2011 at 12:30 UTC.

Following the hike, the Prices for .ORG will be as follows:

Tier 1 : $9.90

Tier 2 : $9.40

Tier 3 : $9.10

Tier 4 : $8.99

Tier 5 : $8.79