Changes on the LB platform Downime notice NetEarth One

Free Mail Forwarding Update (Part 2)

Dear Reseller

As mentioned earlier, LB’s Mail Forwarding Service will be added to their suite of FREE Services on the 6th of September. We have listed below some more updates that you need to make a note of:

Launch Details and Downtime Window

SuperSite Changes

PartnerSite Changes

API Changes – Updates

Launch Details and Downtime Window


Date: 6th September, 2009
Time: 6:00 UTC
Estimated Duration: 3 hours
Affected Systems: API, SuperSite, PartnerSite, Control Panels


  • The Control Panels will not be accessible during the downtime
  • The functioning of existing Mail Forwarding Packages will not be affected
  • The maintenance will not affect the resolution of websites hosted on our servers


SuperSite Changes

If you or your Resellers have customized any of the below mentioned SuperSite pages, please ensure that you take a backup or save a copy of the current customizations across the following files:


  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Homepage » Includes » Domainblurb.html


  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Sidebars » Sidebar_domain.html
  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Sidebars » Includes » Sidebar_domain_section.html
  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Sidebars » Includes » Sidebar_free_services.html

Product Pages:

  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Products » Features » Free_services » Free_services.html
  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Products » Common » Free_services_blurb.html

 SuperSite Main Menu:

  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit Main Menu » Menu_data.js

Note: In case you or your Resellers have translated the SuperSite content, the updated/modified pages listed above will need to be translated as well.

Once the changes are made at our end on the 6th of September, you will need to update your customizations to the above pages through the SuperSite Admin Area.

PartnerSite Changes


  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Common » Footer » Footer.html


  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Homepage » Index.html


  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Misc » Signup » Signupnow.html


  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Products » Features » Free_services » Free_services.html
  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Products » Pricing » Pricing.html
  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Products » Product_catalog » Product_catalog.html


  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Sidebars » Includes » Sidebar_free_services.html
  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Sidebars » Includes » Sidebar_products_partnersite.html

PartnerSite Main Menu:

  • Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit Menu » Menu_data.js

Note: In case you or your Resellers have translated the PartnerSite content, the updated/modified pages listed above will need to be translated as well.

Once the changes are made at our end on the 6th of September, you will need to update your customizations to the above pages through the PartnerSite Admin Area.

API Changes – Updates

Changes to the Existing API:

  • All existing methods pertaining to Mail forwarding under the Domains Kit will be deprecated
  • A new method activateMailForwardService will be introduced
  • To manage Mail Forwarding packages you will need to use the Manage Services Servlet

Activating Free Mail Forwarding on a Domain:

You will need to call the “activateMailForwardService” method in the Domains Kit in order to activate Free Mail Forwarding. You will need to include the OrderID of the Product associated with the Mail Forwarding Service when making this call.

For example: If the Mail Forwarding Service is associated with a Domain Name Registration Order, you will have to pass the OrderID of that Domain Name as the parameter while calling the “activateMailForwardService” method to activate the Mail Forwarding Service.

Managing Packages through the API:

To manage the Free Mail Forwarding Service through the API, you will need to use the ‘Manage Services Servlet’ as detailed here for the Free DNS Service:

The URL for the ‘Manage Services Servlet’ will be:

Once the Free Mail Forwarding Service is live, we will accept the following parameters (i.e. orderid, loginid, product) hence the final URL will be:
http://<Your_Control_Panel_Branded_URL>/servlet/ManageServiceServletForAPI?loginid=<loginid> &orderid=<orderid>&product=mailfwd

The following changes will be made to the required parameters:

1) As mentioned before, the OrderID of the Product associated with the Mail Forwarding Service needs to be used as the parameter for the API call. For existing orders that are not associated with any other Product, the OrderID of the existing Mail Forwarding Order will have to be used.

2) You will need to pass an additional parameter product with the value as mailfwd

Changes on the LB platform Downime notice NetEarth One

LogicBoxes: Free Mail Forwarding Update

Dear Reseller,

As another addition to LB’s Free Services suite, Mail Forwarding will be available free of charge with every product purchased through the LogicBoxes platform from Sunday, September 6, 2009. To ensure a seamless launch, here is a list of updates and modifications that you and your Resellers need to make a note of.

Mail Forwarding Sign-up and Setup 
  • All accounts on the system will be signed up for the Free Mail Forwarding Service on the 6th of September
  • All Customer and Reseller sign-ups post 6th September will be automatically signed up for this service
  • As Mail Forwarding will become a Free Service, its Set Pricing page will be deprecated from the Control Panel
  • The Mail Forwarding Service will now be moved to the .PW infrastructure
  • Post 6th September, a consolidated Email tab will be visible in the Control Panel. On clicking the Email tab, the customer will be given the option to either purchase Mail Hosting or activate Mail Forwarding
  • A Domain can have either Mail Forwarding or Mail Hosting associated with it
  • The Mail Hosting option will not be displayed if you and/or your Resellers have not signed up for Email Hosting
Activating Free Mail Forwarding

In order to activate the Free Mail Forwarding Service, your Resellers and Customers will need to:

  • Navigate to the associated Product Management Console
  • Click on the Email button
  • Click on the Activate Mail Forwarding button
  • Once successfully activated, the Activate Mail Forwarding button will be replaced by a Manage Mail Forwarding button
Nameserver Information
  • If the Domain Name using the service is registered through the LogicBoxes platform, but the nameservers are not the same as those required, our system will prompt the Customer by displaying an Auto Update Nameservers button. On clicking this button, the nameservers will be updated automatically.
  • If the Domain Name is not registered with us, the required nameservers will be displayed to the Customer. The auto-update option will not be available in this case.
API Impact

All existing methods pertaining to Mail Forwarding under the Domains Kit will be deprecated.

A new method will be added to activate the Mail Forwarding Service. This can be found under:
DomainsKIT >> MailFwdOrder >> activateMailForwardService

Impact on Existing Orders
  • Wildcarded forwarding will no longer be available with the Free Mail Forwarding Service. However, your Customers can create a Catch-All account if required.
  • If the Mail Forwarding order is associated with one or more Products in the system, your Customers will simply need to search for the Product associated with the Mail Forwarding Service and access the management console from the Order Details View. Alternatively, your Customers and Resellers can use the Manage Free Services widget on the Control Panel homepage to locate their Domain Forwarding Service.
  • If the Domain Forwarding order is not associated with any other Product in the system, your Customers and Resellers can use the Manage Free Services widget on the Control Panel homepage to locate their Mail Forwarding Service.

The above information has been put together to give you a perspective of the expected modifications, so that you can allocate resources to make the required updates at your end.



NetEarth One

Downime notice NetEarth One

Orderbox scheduled maintenance downtime

Dear Reseller,

LogicBoxes are undertaking hardware upgrades on the OrderBox server for performance enhancements. This will require a minor downtime of 1 hour as per the schedule mentioned below:

Date – Sunday, August 30, 2009
Start time – 0730 Hrs IST / 0200 Hrs GMT
Duration – 1 Hr.

NetEarth One Registry maintenance - scheduled

.ORG Unavailability Notice: August 15, 2009

Due to the scheduled maintenance at the .ORG Registry, the LogicBoxes .ORG Production environment would be undergoing a planned downtime for maintenance, as per the following schedule:

Maintenance Window

DateAugust 15, 2009
Time: 18: hrs – 22:00 hrs GMT/UTC 00
Duration: 4 hours

Affected Systems Domain Name Registrations, Renewals, Transfers, Management on the Live interface.

Downime notice NetEarth One Registry maintenance - scheduled

.EU Unavailability Notice: August 18, 2009

Due to the scheduled maintenance at the .EU Registry, the LogicBoxes .EU Production environment would be undergoing a planned downtime for maintenance, as per the following schedule:

Maintenance Window

DateAug 18, 2009
Time: 1600 hrs – 2100 hrs GMT/UTC

Duration: 5 Hours

Affected Systems Domain Name Registrations, Renewals, Transfers, Management on the Live interface.

NetEarth One Registry maintenance - scheduled

[INFO-Registrars] .INFO Registry Scheduled Maintenance 2 Day Notice [15 August 2009 18:00 – 22:00 UTC]


The .INFO Registry is scheduled for maintenance on 15 August 2009 between 18:00 – 22:00 UTC.


During the maintenance, you may expect the following:


SRS: Intermittent Connectivity Loss

Web Based Administrative Interface: Intermittent Connectivity Loss

DNS: Available; names will continue to resolve normally.

WHOIS: Intermittent Connectivity Loss

OT&E: Available


If you have any questions, please contact Technical Support.

Changes on the LB platform NetEarth One Registry maintenance - scheduled

Domain Forwarding Update – Supersite and Partnersite changes & Downtime Notice


Dear Reseller,

This post contains important information about the following:

Free Domain Forwarding Service – SuperSite/Partnersite Changes 

Live Chat Product Discontinuation

Mail Forwarding on .PW Platform – Coming Soon

Maintenance Window


Free Domain Forwarding Service Update – SuperSite Changes

LB will be launching their Free Domain Forwarding Service on 9th August 2009. Please see to our previous announcement ( on our blog ) for the changes that you and your resellers may need to undertake to ensure a seamless update.

The introduction of the Free Domain Forwarding Service requires LB to make changes to the current purchase process, the product links and other associated details on the SuperSite. The updates will ensure that your customers are made aware of the FREE service and that it effectively assists you in attracting more registrations.

If you or your Resellers have customized any of the below mentioned SuperSite pages, please ensure that you take a backup or save a copy of the current customizations across the following pages from within the SuperSite Admin Area:

# SuperSite Main Menu:
Path: Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit Main Menu » Menu_data.js

# Common:
Path: Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Common » Errors » Error_messages_list.txt

# Sidebar:
1. Path: Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Sidebars » Sidebar_domain.html
2. Path: Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Sidebars »  Includes » Sidebar_domain_section.html

# Product Pages:
1. Path: Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Products »Features » Free_services » Free_services.html
2. Path: Dashboard  Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Products » Common » Free_services_blurb.html
3. Path: Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Products » Domain » Domain_mail_fwd » Domain_mail_fwd » Domain_mail_fwd_addorder.html

# Styles:
Path: Dashboard » Manage Theme » CSS » Common » Fdns-styles.css

Note: In case you or Resellers have translated any SuperSite content, the updated/modified pages listed above will need to be translated.

Once the changes are made on the platform on the 9th of August, you will need to update your customizations to the above pages through the SuperSite Admin Area.

LB urge you to pass this information on to your Resellers at the earliest to ensure a timely and seamless update at their end.

PartnerSite Changes

Similar to the SuperSite, PartnerSite will be updated to give requisite coverage to the Free Domain Forwarding Service in order to make your product offering much more attractive to potential Resellers.

In order to include the Free Domain Forwarding Service on your PartnerSite, you and your Resellers will need to modify the following pages:

# Homepage:
Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Homepage » Index.html

# PartnerSite Main Menu:
1. Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit Menu » Menu_data.js

# Sidebars:
1. Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Sidebars » Includes » Sidebar_free_services.html
2. Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Sidebars » Includes » Sidebar_products_partnersite.html

# Products:
1. Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Products » Domain » Domain_mail_forwarding » Domfwd_mailfwd.html
2. Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Products » Features » Free_services » Free_services.html
3. Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Products » Pricing » Pricing.html
4. Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Products » Product_catalog » Product_catalog.html

# Common:
Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Common » Footer » Footer.html

# Miscellaneous:
Dashboard » Manage Site » Edit/Translate Content Pages » Misc » Signup » Signupnow.html

Note: Incase you or your Resellers have translated any PartnerSite content, the updated/modified pages listed above will need to be translated.

Once the changes are made at our end on the 9th of August, you will need to update your customizations to the above pages through the PartnerSite Admin Area.

We urge you to pass this information on to your Resellers at the earliest to ensure a seamless update at their end.

Live Chat Product Discontinuation:

LB would like to inform you that their Live Chat Product will be discontinued from Wednesday, 12th August 2009.

– New Live Chat orders will not be accepted through the system after 12th August 2009

– Existing Orders will continue to function normally

Mail Forwarding on .PW Platform –  Coming Soon:

LB are pleased to announce that their Mail Forwarding Product will be migrated to the platform shortly. The details of the migration will be communicated in the coming weeks.

Do feel free to contact us in case you have any questions regarding the above details.

Maintenance Window:

Please see below, the details on the scheduled maintenance to make the above changes:

Maintenance Window

Date: Sunday, August 9th, 2009
6:00 UTC
Estimated Duration:
1 hr
Following services will not be accessible during the downtime:
Reseller & Customer Control Panels
– Knowledgebase
– API  
– SuperSite & PartnerSite

Best Regards,


Changes on the LB platform NetEarth One Promotions Uncategorized

NetEarth One – Free Domain Forwarding – coming soon


Dear Reseller,This blog/RSS entry contains important information about the following:


Free Domain Forwarding Service

LogicBoxes are excited to announce that they will be launching their Free Domain Forwarding Service on the 9th of August. This latest addition to their suite of Free Products will be offered with every service that is provisioned through the LogicBoxes Platform.

As they approach the launch, they would like to furnish you with the changes that you and your Resellers may need to undertake to ensure a seamless update. We have described the impact of this launch below:

Domain Forwarding Sign-up and Setup:

1. All accounts on the system will be signed up for the Free Domain Forwarding Service on the 9th of August
2. All customer and sub-reseller sign-ups post 9th August will be automatically signed up for this service 
3. As Domain Forwarding will become a free product, the pricing tables will be removed from your and your Resellers’ control panels

Activating Free Domain Forwarding:

In order to activate the Free Domain Forwarding Service, your Resellers and Customers will need to:
1. Navigate to the associated Product Management Console
2. Click on the Free Domain Forwarding button
3. Click on the Activate Domain Forwarding button
4. Once successfully activated, the Activate Domain Forwarding button will be replaced by a Manage Domain Forwarding button

Nameserver Information: 1. If the domain name using the service is registered through the LogicBoxes system, but the nameservers are not the same as those required to use the Domain Forwarding Service, our system will prompt the customer by displaying an Auto Update Nameservers button. On clicking this button, the nameservers will be updated automatically.
2. If the domain name is not registered with us, and the nameservers are not the same as those required to use the Domain Forwarding Service, the required nameservers will be displayed to the Customer. The auto-updation option will not be available, as these domains are not being managed through the LogicBoxes platform. 

Impact on Existing Orders:

1. If the Domain Forwarding order is associated with one or more Products in the system, your Customers will simply need to search for the Product associated with the Domain Forwarding Service and access the management console from the Order Details View. Alternatively, your Customers and Resellers can use the widget on the Control Panel homepage to locate their Domain Forwarding Service.
2. If the Domain Forwarding order is not associated with any other Product in the system, your Customers and Resellers can use the widget on the Control Panel homepage to locate their Domain Forwarding Service.

API Impact: The relevant methods can be found under the DomainFwd class, within the DomainsKit.

Changes to the Existing API:

The following methods will be deprecated on the 9th of August:
– getDetails()
– del()
– getDetailsByDomain()
– getOrderIdByDomain()
– renew()
– add()
– list()
– mod()
– manage()

New Methods:

The following methods will be added:
– setupDomainForwardService(int orderID)
– manageDomainForwardService()

The above information has been put together to give you a perspective of the expected modifications, so that you can make any necessary changes on your site / use of the API.Through the course of this week, we will continue to send you regular updates on all developments on this front. We urge you to pass on this information to your Resellers at the earliest possible so they can prepare for the launch at their end as well. Do feel free to contact us in case you have absolutely any questions regarding the above details.
Please feel free to contact us if you requuire any assistance.

Kind Regards,


NetEarth One Promotions Registry Price Increase

Prices and Promo’s Update – IMPORTANT


NetEarthOne Product/Promo: Important Announcements.

Dear Reseller,

Below are a few important updates regarding our Product and Promo Offerings. As per your previous settings, modifications may be required at your end as well.

Unlimited Hosting @ $2.89

As you might be aware, our Unlimited Hosting comes with Yahoo Search Marketing Credit worth $50; unlimited email accounts, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited disk space and much more.
You can also bundle Dedicated IP/SSLs at just $1.59/month per Hosting Package.

To enable Dedicated IPs all you need to do is login to your Control Panel and follow the steps below.

  • Search for the domain name for which you have purchased the hosting package and proceed to the Order Details
  • Click the “Enable SSL (Dedicated IP) Support” button in the lower toolbar
  • Click the “Confirm” button on the following page that displays your Cost and Selling Price

Dedicated IPs only adds to the competitive edge that you already have on account of our Unlimited Hosting Product.

Third Level .IN Domains – Now for $5.39

Please be informed that the Promo Pricing for Third Level .IN Domains will increase to $5.39. This new pricing will be effective Today, 28th of July ’09 at 12:30 UTC. We recommend you change your pricing in advance to avoid being negatively affected by this change in pricing.

Also for your benefit, we have increased the current Barrier Pricing applicable for this promo from $6.99 to $7.99.

Please Note:

  • The Promo price change is applicable only to Third Level .IN Domains.
  • This Promo will continue to be offered through the ResellerClub Promo Engine. To avail of the pricing of $5.39 on all Third level .IN Domains, you need to set your Selling Price in the Promo Engine to not more than $7.99 for Customers and Sub-Resellers. If you do not wish to pass on the promo and set your Selling Price to a value higher than $7.99, your Cost Price will then be set to $6.99 or your slab based pricing, whichever is lower. For any further clarifications, please refer to our KnowledgeBase.
  • The Promo is applicable for the first year of registration only. A two year Third Level .IN Domain registration will be billed as Promo Pricing + Regular Price for 1 year.
  • Renewals and Transfer-ins will not attract this Promo pricing.
  • There are no restrictions on the number of Domains that can be registered within this Promo period.
  • The .IN promo will end on 29th September, 2009.

Promotions ending soon:

The following promos will end on the 30th of July, 2009 at 12:30 UTC. So hurry and make the most of them! Prices FROM :

  • .US @ $4.39 only!
  • .MOBI just @ $7.69!
  • .ORG @ $7.14 only!
  • .TV @ $20.34!

For any further queries, feel free to contact us

Best Regards,

Chris Pelling

NetEarth One, Inc.


.COM/.NET Unavailability Notice: July 26, 2009

The LogicBoxes .COM/.NET Production environment would be undergoing a planned downtime for maintenance, as per the following schedule:

Maintenance Window

DateJuly 26, 2009
Time: 0100 hrs – 0145 hrs GMT/UTC
Duration: 45 mins

Affected Systems Domain Name Registrations, Renewals, Transfers, Management on the Live interface.

This outage shall have no impact on your domain names, which will continue to work properly. Please feel free to get in touch with our Support team, in case of any queries/doubts.