NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

Verisign price increase for .NET gTLD

Verisign has communicated that they will increase the pricing of the .NET gTLD on 1st February 2023 at 0400 UTC.

Therefore NEO will be increasing its pricing of .net on Tuesday 31st January 2023 at 2200 UTC.

The pricing will increase by 0.90c across all tiers for registration, renewal or transfer.

Restoration will increase by $1.00 across all tiers which includes a 1-year renewal.

NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

.IO immediate pricing update

As per our earlier blog post this pricing should have been reverted back to normal pricing in December 2021, it was missed and as such has now been rectified.

The .IO registry although has a new promotion, has ended for renewal and transfers.  therefore with immediate effect, the pricing has been updated to:

Register : $42.00
Renewal : $49.95
Transfer : $49.95

There are numerous other updates over the next 2 days including increases for “.NET, .INFO and others”.  Promotions for Donuts TLDs, and we are working on the best way to provide this to you.  It may well end up in an excel spreadsheet so that you can import it into your own billing application (but lets wait and see).

Changes on the LB platform NetEarth One

Important announcement regarding LB Business and Enterprise Email

LB has always strived to provide you with the best products and services. In light of their recent study, they have noticed misuse of their Money-back guarantee policy that has the potential to impact email delivery and IP blacklisting of their email products. In order to maintain the quality of service you have come to expect from them, they will be removing their Money-back guarantee on their Business and Enterprise email products from 12th December 2022.

Customers who purchase Business or Enterprise Email on or after 12th December 2022, will no longer get the 30-day money-back guarantee.

We personally see this as a good step forward, as previously we have seen many LB IPs blacklisted because of accounts being setup and cancelled so quickly.

Downime notice NetEarth One

LB platform issues

LogicBoxes are experiencing platform issues as we speak, they started yesterday intermittently and have continued throughout the day, their pulse status show it as fixed which it is not.

More here :

NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

XYZ price increase for .xyz nTLD

XYZ Registry has communicated that they will increase the pricing of the .XYZ nTLD on 1st September 2022 at 0000 UTC, however as we missed this one, we will not increase the pricing until 30th September 2022 at 2200 BST.

The pricing will increase by 0.69c across all tiers for registration, renewal or transfer. 

Restoration will increase by $1.00 which will include a renewal for 1 year.

NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

GoDaddy price increase for .BIZ gTLD

GoDaddy Registy services has communicated that they will increase the pricing of the .BIZ gTLD on 1st September 2022 at 0000 UTC.

Therefore NEO will be increasing its pricing of .biz on Wednesday 31st August 2022 at 2200 BST.

The pricing will increase by 0.90c across all tiers for registration, renewal or transfer. GD Registry is increasing the cost by $0.87.

Restoration will increase by $1 to $81.57 which includes a 1 year renewal.

NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

Verisign Price Increase for .COM gTLD

Verisign has communicated that they will increase the pricing of the .COM gTLD on 1st September 2022 at 0400 UTC.

Therefore NEO will be increasing its pricing of .com on Wednesday 31st August 2022 at 2200 BST.

The pricing will increase by 0.80c across all tiers for registration, renewal or transfer.

Restoration will increase by $1 to $66.00 which includes a 1 year renewal.

Changes on the LB platform NetEarth One Uncategorized

LB ccTLD Pricing update

Finally last night at circa 2200 ADT we had the latest pricing update from LB, this was the 2nd or 3rd we have had because of going back and fourth with LB on their new strategy.

To that end, we now have what we believe is a balanced pricing update, better than the first revision, but, not as good as it could have been and we will now start looking into becoming registrars for some of the larger ccTLD’s we carry.

Links are attached for the 5 Tiers we have, we have tried to keep the tiers although this has not been very easy/simple to achieve, these being in PDF format. We have also uploaded a CSV file of all tiers so you can bring that into your spreadsheet app and remove the tiers that are no use to you.

The Tier levels to remind you are:

Tier 1 – $0 – $399.99

Tier 2 – $400 – $994.99

Tier 3 – $995 – $2,499.99

Tier 4 – $2,500 – $4,999.99

Tier 5 – $5,000 onwards

Below you will find the downloadable files for the pricing. Please remember, these pricing changes are happening on the 31st July – so please (albeit late I know) reach out to your customers (or your own domains) and get them renewed before the pricing increase.

Changes on the LB platform NetEarth One

LogicBoxes ccTLD price revisions

Further to the last couple of posts regarding LogicBoxes revising pricing, we have now the next (and must be final as we do not sell any of their other services) pricing update.

As of 1st August 2022, LogicBoxes (through the PDR credentials) are revising the ccTLD pricing, some of the pricing increases from what we have seen re quite drastic, others not so and 1 has even decreased in pricing (yes, you did read that correctly, we have asked for confirmation and that it is not an error).

Therefore on Sunday 31st July 2022 at 1900 UTC the pricing for ccTLDs will increase, as well as the gTLD , nTLD and PP service as previously mentioned on other blog posts.

The ccTLDs affected will be:


We will shortly release (next day or two) a CSV file with the pricing as it is not a simple increase of X across the add/renew/transfer and restore groups, from what we can tell, LB (read PDR but all the same company) are increasing the “renewal” costs further than the standard markup.

Changes on the LB platform NetEarth One

LogicBoxes Business email pricing increase

We have been informed by LogicBoxes that their Business email service pricing is increasing as of 1st July 2022.

Essentially LogicBoxes are migrating the services to a new DC, and in turn should be providing a far better service for their business email offering. Time will tell on this, so our fingers are crossed.

In turn, LB have informed us that the pricing will increase, this being to $1.00 per mailbox per month. This will be effective 00:01 on 1st July 2022. I am extremely sorry for the short notice on this, we have been back and fourth with LB to little avail.