Changes on the LB platform NetEarth One

NEW – Domain Locking

From 3rd February 2010, the Customer Lock feature will be deprecated and replaced by advanced Domain Theft Protection management.

Henceforth, all Customers will be able to disable Domain Theft Protection on their Domains, even if you or your Sub-Resellers have enabled it. By default, this feature will be enabled during the purchase process for all new Domains in the interests of greater control.

Domain Theft Protection links will be visible on the Domain Management console in the Control Panel as well as the Order Details page.

Those using the API should note the following :


API Changes:

  • setCustomerLock and removeCustomerLock calls will be deprecated. These methods will continue to work in the interim and will enable/disable Theft Protection.
  • enableTheftProtection and disableTheftProtection calls will now be used to enable/disable Theft Protection.
  • Bulk Lock currently accepts Resellerlock/Customerlock as parameters. Bulk Lock will continue to work with Customerlock as the parameter and shall be used to enable/disable Theft Protection
  • The getLockList call will be modified. Currently it returns a hashtable with the lockname as the key (if the order has been locked). The value of the key is also a hashtable that contains particulars such as reason, creationdt, lockerid, etc.

    Henceforth, the getLockList call will return a hashtable with the resellerlock and/or customerlock and/or transferlock keys. The value of the resellerlock key will be a hashtable which contains the reason, creationdt, lockerid particulars and the value of the customerlock/transferlock keys will be true (if enabled).

It is important that you make the appropriate changes to the getLockList call on the day it is deployed (3rd February). If you have any questions about the change to the getLockList call, feel free to write in to your account managers who will be glad to provide you with sample API calls to help verify your changes.