Changes on the LB platform NetEarth One

LogicBoxes New API Key feature

New Unique API Key – Effective 11th February, 2013


In order to secure the way your business connects to the platform via the API, LB have finally  introduced a new unique API ‘key’ that will be used to authenticate your API calls.

Currently, the authentication process requires you to use your username and password to connect to the API. Although this process is encrypted, LB have removed all vulnerabilities by introducing a unique API key to connect to our system. You can find your unique API ‘key’ inside your Control Panel at the below mentioned path (from 11th February).

Control Panel > Settings > API

Effective 11th February, 2013 you will be able to get the API key and make calls to the platform using the new API ‘key’.

Kindly ensure that you integrate the new API ‘key’ to your existing API setup to ensure that your API calls continue to work seamlessly. You can find more information about the new call in our knowledgebase.