NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

Verisign price increase for .NET gTLD 2024

Verisign has communicated that they will increase the pricing of the .NET gTLD on 1st February 2024 at 0500 UTC.

Therefore NEO will be increasing its pricing of .net on Wednesday 31st January 2024 at 2200 UTC.

The pricing will increase by $1.20 across all tiers for registration, renewal or transfer.

Restoration will increase by $1.50 across all tiers which includes a 1-year renewal.

NetEarth One Promotions

.ORG Promo price

PIR has launched a promotion from now until 30th September 2023.

The promo price is set to $7.49 for new single-year registrations only.

Renewal and transfer pricing does not change and therefore is still the same as per your tier.

Pricing for registration will revert to your standard tier pricing on 29th September 2023.

NetEarth One Registry Price Increase

Radix Pricing revisions 1st August 2023

Radix has communicated that they will increase the pricing of various nTLDs on 1st August 2023.

Therefore NEO will be increasing its pricing of the below TLDs on Monday 31st July 2023 at 2200 BST.

Some of the pricing below as you can see shows a significant percentage increase.

These prices will be for registration, renewal and transfer.

.Fun$ 17.59$ 28.95
.Site$ 24.15$ 29.95
.Space$ 18.15$ 23.95
.Tech$ 41.15$ 46.95
.Website$ 20.15$ 25.95

As for restoration, this will increase at the current rate by $1.00