Downime notice NetEarth One

Important update: Upcoming maintenance on OrderBox services

This notice contains important information about a system-wide downtime that is scheduled for Sunday, 2nd of December, 2018 at 01:30 AM UTC.

In an effort to secure the LB platform even further with the latest updates and security upgrades, they’ll be carrying out maintenance on all OrderBox related services.

Please find details of this scheduled downtime below:

Date 2nd December 2018
Start Time 01:30 AM UTC
05:30 PM PST (1st December 2018)
07:00 AM IST
Expected Maintenance Window 3 hours
Services Affected OrderBox (Admin & Customer) Control Panel and APIs, WebPro Panel, SuperSite and PartnerSite, WHOIS Services and CSV Reports
Reason System Maintenance for the Transactional Database Upgrade from PostgreSQL 9.3 to 10.5
Impact on your services This maintenance will in no way affect your websites, domains, mail services or any other active web product that you may have purchased from us.
Impact on Support There will be no impact on our Support services.

Please note: You may encounter issues with OrderBox and related services for the 3 hours of scheduled maintenance window as mentioned above.

Changes on the LB platform NetEarth One

LB Important Announcement: Updated Terms of Service for Shared Hosting

We have received the following from LogicBoxes regarding use of the platform for shared hosting :

This is to notify you that LB are updating their Terms of Service (ToS) for all our Shared Hosting Products. In the recent investigation of their current Shared Hosting packages, LB have identified websites that consume excess bandwidth resulting in a strain on the server resources, thereby adversely affecting the server performance for the rest of the users. Given the excess bandwidth they consume, LB strongly believe that such websites are best compatible with a VPS or Dedicated Server as opposed to a Shared Hosting Package.
In order to control unfair usage of the performance of their servers, LB will be implementing certain checks on their platform. The anti-abuse checks that will be implemented are as follows:
1. LB will be explicitly calling out capabilities of Shared Hosting servers and their use cases. As a violation parameter, LB have added limitations on the usage of disk space for storage of emails and other content.
2. LB have updated the ToS, thereby allowing LB to ensure that they can put suitable restrictions on the amount of resources consumed by “very heavy traffic websites” (websites running on packages that use up 25% of server resources for longer than 90 seconds) which include but are not limited to disk space, bandwidth, number of domains, disk I/O, DB space, etc.
How does it affect you?
These changes will only affect very heavy traffic websites, i.e., those who are using 25% of server resources for longer than 90 seconds, as mentioned above.
These very heavy traffic websites will be intimated and asked to move to a more suitable platform by upgrading their package. You can optimize on this opportunity by pitching a better fitting option (for example, a VPS or a Dedicated Server) to these website owners so that they don’t have to suffer from consequences such as reduced website speed, etc.
In case owners of these websites refuse to move or upgrade their package, LB will start limiting the resources they can consume, which in turn will ensure that the rest of the users continue receiving the best quality service available.

New terms of service for the LB platform and Shared Hosting is here