Hello Reseller,
Over the past few days, LB have noticed a few memory exception errors on one of their Windows web hosting servers. This is probably due to some specific sites hogging up the resources on this server. As a result of this, a few other clients have been intermittently experiencing insufficient memory exceptions on their websites.
Being a shared hosting environment, we are trying to isolate the sites affecting the overall server performance, and provide them some additional sets of resources. To obtain more information on an individual site performance and logs, we are taking a few measures, which will have some minor impacts on your sites hosted here.
Following are the details of measures taken by us and respective impact on your website:
1. A separate centralized logging system on the server
Impact: Your websites’ web logging (http logs) will be disabled for the time being.
2. Split all the websites under different application pools – to monitor specific site’s performance
Impact: This will not have any impact on your website resolution
3. Limiting concurrent number of connections to 100, for each website.
Impact: Based on the existing set of information, you may not experience any service interruptions. However, in case your website exceeds the set limit (100 concurrent connections); you might see the message “Service Unavailable”, for a few seconds.
Should you receive this message, please do inform our support help desk via support ticket. The exercise is being performed this weekend and the limitations shall be in place until Tuesday – 24/05/2010.
We regret the inconvenience you may experience on account of this, and request your kind cooperation to help us get to the root cause of the problem and ensure uninterrupted services.
For any additional information, kindly contact our support help desk.