NetEarth One

DirectI / LogicBoxes spamming debacle – Update

We have received the following updates, both from DI and their brand RC, and VeriSign.

DirectI / RC Statement :

We received an email on Saturday28th August, from the Director of Strategic Partnerships, Registrar Solutions Group of DirectI / LB whom I have know since 2005, the statement actually looks extremly like the statement posted on WHT. 



VeriSign have had the following to say :

Monday 30th August:

Allow me to look into this matter further. I will get back to you as soon as I have an update.

Tuesday 31st August:

I understand that Directi has been in touch with you on this subject.

Please let me know if you require any further assistance.


Therefore we had pressed them more with  :-

Last time I checked we pay VeriSign not DI for com and net domains. I need an official answer from VeriSign.

To which we then received teh following :

Thanks for your patience on this issue.  The “prize” referenced in this presentation refers to prizes given to entrants into the contest only.  There are no prizes for Directi or other Registrars as part of this program.  The sentence was intended to point out that registrants can be eligible to win prizes for participating in the Contest.  We apologize for any confusion this wording may have caused. 


So by the looks of things, we are not going to get anymore infomation out of this.