NetEarth LLC NetEarth One

.UK Nominet Reseller Data Service Launch

Nominet will shortly be allowing the linking of domain name registrations to reseller information. This will allow the reseller information to be shown in WHOIS and also later this year in emails to registrants (from Nominet).

In preparation of this, please go to, input your ‘ResellerID’ (number), ‘Username’ and ‘Password’. These are the same details used to login to your control panel.

This then loads your default “Support information” as per the domain control panel.

The reference number cannot be changed, however everything else can be. The defaults are already populated to save a little time, however feel free to change anything you want to.  Nominet has not stipulated what characters can be used, therefore for the “avoidance of doubt” please assume the following characters as acceptable; A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ), ( and a dash/hyphen (-).

Click Save details at the bottom to save your details for Nominet.  You can update this information any time you wish, by going back to the URL above and logging in. We do not store your password, we validate directly against the LogicBoxes platform.

If you have resellers, and you would like them to also have this feature (we would as it means it is branded to them) then please give them the above information.