Changes on the LB platform NetEarth One Uncategorized

LB ccTLD Pricing update

Finally last night at circa 2200 ADT we had the latest pricing update from LB, this was the 2nd or 3rd we have had because of going back and fourth with LB on their new strategy.

To that end, we now have what we believe is a balanced pricing update, better than the first revision, but, not as good as it could have been and we will now start looking into becoming registrars for some of the larger ccTLD’s we carry.

Links are attached for the 5 Tiers we have, we have tried to keep the tiers although this has not been very easy/simple to achieve, these being in PDF format. We have also uploaded a CSV file of all tiers so you can bring that into your spreadsheet app and remove the tiers that are no use to you.

The Tier levels to remind you are:

Tier 1 – $0 – $399.99

Tier 2 – $400 – $994.99

Tier 3 – $995 – $2,499.99

Tier 4 – $2,500 – $4,999.99

Tier 5 – $5,000 onwards

Below you will find the downloadable files for the pricing. Please remember, these pricing changes are happening on the 31st July – so please (albeit late I know) reach out to your customers (or your own domains) and get them renewed before the pricing increase.